Empowering People
It’s not just about a new job
The best time to discuss your values and career options is when you are happily employed.
Perhaps you are looking to progress in your current organisation, benchmark your position in the market or maybe you are looking to map out your career path in a more socially responsible, collaborative, empowering team. Whatever your question; we are here to help you define your values and the lifestyle that you want and then to support you to achieve.
We can pass on the lessons learnt from thousands of people we have met over the years.
Reaching out to CTC is free and confidential.

Career Mentor
Free and confidential career discussion around what drives; energises and de-energises you, your values, your lifestyle and family aspirations, your appetite for travel and career progression. Life is a balance and it is important to regularly ensure you are on the right path to achieve the right balance. The more you understand what you want from life and the more you discuss and communicate this the more likely you are to achieve it.
We are here to help empower you to manage your manager and to find the right environment for you and your family. Together we are more connected.
Market Information
It’s not about a new job but rather a friendly voice on the phone or a relaxing coffee or drink. We are here to answer any questions you might have… what are companies doing for the environment? which companies are shortlisted to win a project? what should your salary be? Or perhaps a discussion on industry trends & developments for the future. We love meeting people and sharing ideas.

Fullfill your potential
“I know where I want to work and have lots of friends working there, why do I need CTC?”
Our business model is based on relationships with company decision-makers, we can go straight to them to discuss your situation. This gives you the following benefits:
- More control: If you apply to a company you are effectively saying you want to work there. Our approach is to highlight that you are really happy where you are, that you aren’t actively looking but that you might be interested in making contact in the future to understand what your career might look like with them. If you start on these terms and decide to stay where you are then you aren’t letting anyone down.
- More honest feedback: We are here to help you learn and develop, employers give us the “real” feedback.
- More opportunities: Have you considered every potential opportunity to suit your aspirations or just settled on somewhere better than your current role?
- Less hassle: We chase up meetings, feedback, negotiate offers, and coordinate the process.
- Experienced “sounding board”: discuss how various opportunities suit your values, ethics and objectives.
This is a free and totally confidential service. We are here to support your best interests at all times.
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